American Childhood Cancer Organization. Supporting kids for more than 50 years

On Friday, September 23, Tyler ISD will go gold to acknowledge Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Aneesa Cedillo, a junior at Early College High School and a long-time advocate for childhood cancer, celebrated her 10th year being cancer-free this summer. At six years old, Aneesa was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer, and for eleven long months, she underwent aggressive chemotherapy treatments. 

“I consider myself lucky because most kids diagnosed with cancer never get the chance to start school life,” Cedillo said. “In a district as big as ours, so many kids are affected by cancer each year. For the past four years, I have partnered with the Gold Network of East Texas and the principals at my schools to raise awareness for childhood cancer and raise funds for the Gold Network, which has helped me and many others.”

At Early College High School, students will collect items throughout the week of September 19-23 for families who are currently undergoing treatments or staying in the hospital. These items include extension cords, portable chargers, snuggle scent air fresheners, notebooks, bibles, eye drops, and small blankets.

“I want to honor all the kids before me and those who will come after me affected by cancer, so they know they matter,” Cedillo said. “I want them to know their school district and community cares.”

All district staff and students are encouraged to wear gold or yellow on Friday, September 23, to honor all our students who have been affected by childhood cancer.

For more information, contact Jennifer Hines at