delta day of reading with class of students, principal, teacher standingOrr Elementary School in Tyler, TX recently celebrated Read Across America Week with a special event called "Delta Day of Reading." This exciting occasion brought together students, teachers, and volunteers to promote the joy of reading and literacy.

Principal Smith expressed her delight at the success of the event, emphasizing the importance of instilling a passion for reading in students from a young age. "Events like Delta Day of Reading not only celebrate literacy but also cultivate a lifelong love for learning," she remarked.Principal Smith and Delta Day of Reading volunteers

As the day came to a close, students left Orr Elementary School with hearts full of stories and minds brimming with imagination, ready to embark on new literary adventures. Delta Day of Reading served as a reminder that books have the power to transport us to magical worlds and ignite our imaginations, making reading a truly enriching experience for all.