After recently winning the Regional Championship, the Douglas Elementary Wildcat Robotics team competed in the Junior CoderZ League World finals.
There are a total of six team members, and all performed exceptionally:
Angelica Rodriguez-5th Grade (Team Captain)
Adalis Juarez-4th Grade
Sophia Cornelio-4th Grade
Nikole Moreno-4th Grade
Juan Marcos Rodriguez-3rd Grade
Adrian Villalobos-Rodriguez-3rd Grade
Douglas' 3rd-5th grade classes gathered in the gymnasium to watch the competition and cheer on their classmates.
They also made brightly colored posters to hang on the walls for support. Coach Catherine Lengua couldn't be more proud of her student's efforts.
In the end, they did not take home the World title, but their parents were right by their sides with hugs and high-fives! The entire event was broadcast LIVE on Twitch.