high school girl in drill team uniform and woman with long blonde hair wearing pink turtleneck 0 successful student outcomes

We are looking to share Successful Student Outcomes from our Tyler ISD Alumni. Our goal is to inspire current students with the endless possibilities for career and life success. Learn more and share your story.

Ashley (Boyd) McCain is a proud product of Tyler ISD, attending Owens Elementary School and Hubbard Middle School before graduating from Robert E. Lee High School in 2000. Ashley earned her marketing degree from Texas Tech University.

Today, Ashley is the founder and co-owner of Cecil and Lou, an online children's clothing company in Tyler. In 2011, Ashley and her business partner were both working outside of the home, and they saw an opportunity to work and still be home with their children. "Cecil and Lou," named after their firstborns, began one afternoon at their dining room table. Today, 13 years later, Cecil and Lou has become a lucrative business nationwide.

What is your favorite high school memory?
The thing I treasure most from my high school years are the friendships that are still near and dear, even 25 years later! Friday night lights were also a favorite! I was captain of the Southern Belles, and I can still feel the jitters we would get as we lined up on the 50-yard line!

What teacher made the biggest impact on your life and why?
My favorite teacher was my Algebra teacher, Mrs. Johnson. She engaged every student in their academic life as well as their personal life. She had a great sense of humor, was patient, and truly cared about the success of every student.

Advice to current Tyler ISD students?
My advice to current students would be to make new friends in the classroom and beyond, build relationships with your teachers, and get involved with extracurricular activities. You will benefit from all these things for years to come!