Tyler ISD Magnet Schools

What Is a Magnet School?
Magnet schools focus on specific areas of interest and utilize a hands-on, centralized approach to providing students with a robust learning experience. As a real magnet pulls in metal objects, magnet schools allow you to attend regardless of the school zone or district you live within.
We offer three unique tuition-free magnet schools focused on dual language immersion, fine arts, and college readiness.
We also offer a STEM magnet program for grades 6-8 at Moore Middle School.
Explore Your Options
Why Do Magnet Schools Make a Difference?
At Tyler ISD, we are committed to providing the best education possible for all students. We understand that every child is unique, and that’s why, in addition to our outstanding comprehensive schools, we offer three magnet school options to fit your child’s interests.
Your child will be set up for success in a high-quality atmosphere at our magnet schools and will be provided with opportunities that excite them to learn each day.
Is a Magnet School Right For Your Child?
Our magnet schools offer innovative programs, advanced coursework, hands-on learning, and customized support to fit your child’s unique needs and talents best.
At Tyler ISD Magnet Schools, You Can Find:

Tyler ISD Magnet School Options
There are many reasons why you should choose Tyler ISD.
If you are impressed with our magnet schools, you should check out the rest of what we offer.