clarkston students posing for a photo at the winter behavior party

Before winter break, Clarkston hosted the winter behavior party where students could paper plate ice skate with their classmates as a reward for maintaining excellent classroom behavior leading up to the holiday break. Paper plate ice skating is a delightful and imaginative activity that captures the essence of winter fun. Using paper plates as makeshift ice skates, participants can glide and slide on smooth surfaces, mimicking the motion of ice skating. This creative and budget-friendly activity is especially popular among children and can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors. It not only encourages physical activity and coordination but also sparks the imagination as participants envision themselves gracefully navigating an ice rink. Paper plate ice skating is a simple yet enjoyable way to bring the joy of winter sports to any setting, making it a fantastic activity for both playtime and organized events.

Check out our video and see all those smiling faces!