Cougar Connection Newsletter

A Note from Mrs. Cureton:

Next week is our last week before Winter Break! Several events coming up next week...see below for details on Holiday Spirit Week, Pizza by the Slice, Winter Program, & Winter parties! 

Early Release: Reminder that Friday, December 15th, is an early release day for students. ALL students will dismiss at 12:30pm on Friday. Boys and Girls Club will not be open Friday-please make sure arrangements are made Boys and Girls Club students.

"Under the Tree"/Winter Program: Thursday, December 14th, 6pm, @ Moore Middle School.

Arrival time for all students participating--5:30. Students not in the stage crew are encouraged to wear their "holiday best" or red and green--think festive and fun! 

Stage crew: report at 5:00pm--stage crew is encouraged to wear black shirts, as they will be on stage moving props around throughout the program. 

**Student drop off for program & parent entrance at door 11 of Moore MS. Please see flyer below (flyer that was sent home this week with students) for more detailed information on drop off procedures**

Winter Parties: We are excited to celebrate the upcoming holidays at our winter parties! Parents are welcome to join at their student's designated grade level party date/time. 

**Pre-K families: please note that the party date/time for Mrs. Bruno-Busby's class has changed-their class party has moved to December 15th @9:45am.**

Pizza by the Slice: Please see the flyer below for the updated date for our monthly Pizza by the Slice fundraiser. Please note that since the date has been moved up to Wednesday, 12/13, we will need all pizza money turned in by Monday, December 11th @11am. We cannot make exceptions to the due date/time due to ordering processes with our pizza vendor. Students are not allowed to have individual pizzas delivered to our front offices on these days. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact me. 

Holiday Spirit Week: We are excited to have some fun next week in celebrating the upcoming break & holiday spirit! Please see the dress up week flyer below if you would like your student to participate!

Have a great weekend!

-Sarah Cureton


Arrival Procedures

 students should enter campus through the cafeteria doors each morning. Only students and staff are allowed to enter through the cafeteria doors. Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria, and is free to all students, from 7:00am-7:45am. Any student arriving to campus after 7:50am will need to have a parent walk them in through the front entrance doors. 

Dismissal Procedures: 

Parents should complete an After-School Action Plan(with classroom teacher) so that teachers and staff have a written plan for each student.  Parents must call the front office or submit a written request for student dismissal changes by 2:30 p.m. each day. 

Students in grades pre-k, kindergarten, and first will not be allowed to dismiss as "walkers". They must have an older sibling at Clarkston to walk home with them. 

Parents may pick up their child by signing him/her out through the office (before 2:30pm).  Students will be released only to persons listed for student pick-up.  Anyone picking up a student shall be required to show valid identification.  When possible, schedule appointments during non-school times (After school, Student Holidays…)

Join our amazing PTA!

Our Clarkston PTA provides resources and opportunities for learning experiences, volunteering, and just plain fun! Please consider joining by going to JOIN PTA-Horace. H. Clarkston. We love our amazing PTA and the support they provide for our Cougars!

Follow us on Facebook

We wanted to send out an advertisement about following us on Facebook @ClarkstonTylerISD! This is a great way to stay connected to the happenings here at Clarkston-pictures of our amazing students and staff as well as the weekly family newsletter are posted to our Facebook page. Please encourage family members to follow our page, as it is a great way to connect to the learning inside our building from afar!



13- Pizza by the Slice

14- Christmas Program @Moore MS-6:00; Winter parties

15-Early dismissal(12:30); Winter parties

18-31--Winter Break: NO school


1-2--Winter Break: NO school

3--Students return, start of 3rd Nine Weeks