Beyond the Classroom

We offer high-achieving academics and extracurriculars

At Birdwell, you’ll get to know classmates, teachers, and coaches who inspire you outside of the classroom, and these transformational experiences will shape you and give you a strong foundation as you make your way into the world.


art work created by students at birdwell


birdwell student playing instrument in percussion class


male student playing violin


At Birdwell, You Don't Sacrifice Athletics

In 7th and 8th grade, students can participate in off campus athletics, including co-ed soccer and co-ed tennis.

soccer team at birdwell


three teenage girls holding tennis racquets and smiling


Clubs and Programs

At Birdwell, we continue to grow our middle school program based on the interests of our student population.

two girls hugging at UIL competition

UIL Academic Competition

These activities, which exist to complement the academic curriculum, are designed to motivate students as they acquire higher levels of knowledge, to challenge students to confront issues of importance, and to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of specific skills. Students are challenged to think critically and creatively, exhibiting much more than knowledge and comprehension.

male student taking a picture with a digital camera

Middle School Journalism Club

Our students express their opinions and beliefs for many to interact and connect with our campus community. They have practice in crafting their point of view while telling stories of interest to our student body. Our Journalism Club is a recipient of the Tyler ISD Foundation Grants for Great Ideas.

principal waving at students as they are leaving on school bus

Field Trips

Field trips are educational learning experiences that help students build the schema needed to internalize our curriculum by making connections to learning, self, and society. Additionally, they serve as cultural experiences for students to develop a sense of independence in society, self-confidence, and career options as leaders and members of the community.

birdwell students sitting on a chair at yesterland farm in canton tx

Yesterland Farm

birdwell students touring the campus of the university of texas at tyler

College Tours

school counselor and mental health counselor holding coffe cups tumblers that say "mental health matters"


Our counselors have the best tools and resources to ensure your child is growing socially and emotionally.

student receiving student of the month certificate

Leader in Me

Leader in Me is our districtwide character-building curriculum that equips your child with 21st-century leadership and life skills.

student raising hand


Your child will take the AVID Elective course in middle school (6-8). For one period a day, they receive additional academic, social, and emotional support to help them succeed in their school’s most rigorous courses.

staff competing against student in obstacle course

Events and Celebrations

As a school a part of Tyler ISD, we still do traditional district wide events like Red Ribbon Week, Start with Hello, and College Colors Day. At Birdwell, we like to mix those annual events with some that are relevant to our culturally and linguistically diverse student population. We celebrate amazing events like the 2022 World Cup and el Dia del Libro!

student holding a certificate he received at viernes victorioso

Viernes Victorioso

Times during the year when we celebrate student accomplishments with a twist! Whether it's academic, attendance, and/or extracurricular accomplishments, our Viernes Victorioso is a unique experience for our students.

female students in hispanic attire

Hispanic Heritage Month

As a Dual Language school, we constantly celebrate cultures as part of our norm. During Hispanic Heritage Month we take it to a different level and celebrate what makes society great!

pumpkin decorated as forky from toy story. call front office for more information.

Dia Del Libro

An international celebration for a love of reading! This day originally started as one to celebrate the great author, Miguel de Cervantes. At Birdwell, we make this day a big deal for our students to appreciate reading, making connections, and thinking critically.

career day

Culturally Relevant Career Day

Our career day experience introduces our students to individuals who have created their business or built careers where their bilingualism and sociocultural capital gives them a competitive advantage.

middle school female student explaining the history of a hispanic artist during live hispanic history museum

Live Hispanic History Museum

Our middle school students spend weeks researching famous Hispanics from around the world, dress up as the person, and provide our elementary students with an educational, culturally relevant, and memorable learning experience.

students representing birdwell at rose parade 2022

Community Involvement

Rose City Fiesta (elementary)

Middle School Community Service: Children’s Day at Bergfeld, Texas Rose Festival, and East Texas Crisis Center Trunk or Treat.

boys and girls club students doing homework

After-School Care

Birdwell is home to one of Mentoring Alliance's After School locations, previously known as Boys and Girls Clubs. There, your child receives time to work on his/her homework, as well as other activities, planned by Mentoring Alliance's staff. You also have the choice to enroll your child in a daycare with an after-school program. It is up to the chosen daycare if they offer transportation services from Birdwell.

Some examples of current daycare services that pick up kids from Birdwell include:

Early Steps Bilingual Academy

Handprints Academy

pta ladies helping out at fall festival

Parent Teacher Association

Our PTA is very active and has a strong presence on campus with volunteerism and activities for students and staff.



Campus Staff Membership

There is so much more your child can benefit from.

See what else we offer.